With the help of my son and one of my friends, we were able to successfully re-assemble the body buck, pull the body, and strip the panels to get to the base frame!
first we assembled, and tested to make sure it fits in the garage – yay!

body removed and resting on the buck!

from my previous ‘upgrade’ I added some locking casters, the bummer is that they’re about 1.5″ taller than the old ones, so we had to remove the front ones to clear the garage door!

next we tagged and pulled the interior panels (many of which are on the POL)

believe it or not, the rivet spacer is on POL, I mean really?! So my son was creative and took one of his old rulers from elementary school and modified it

the F-panels were in a separate box for the engine bay panels, so we drilled and cleco’ed them in until I get a new tube of silicone