We had a ‘meet and greet’ party on Saturday, was great to see friends, family and lots of neighbors! We ate well!

It’s been a furious four days, but with the help of my son and some friends – we finished the initial inventory pass last night! Yes, 28 boxes opened, unpapered, re-stuffed – but LOTS of stuff still pending…
Here’s an idea of the before and after…

Before I get ahead of myself, I don’t want to diminish the effort to do inventory. As stated previously, if I don’t get an inventory done within 45 days of receipt, I have to pay full price for missing parts. FFR provides a POL (Parts on Order List) so they do know there is stuff ‘missing’ or on-order… I had 2 pages of POL, and I assume if FFR gets parts in, they verify and check them off the list… BUT! You still have to check! Some items they checked off, are NOT on the list…
I made a binder for the inventory process (see after photo above), paper protectors and all – and used a color coding system to identify success or failure of inventory. I tagged pages that have missing items with red post-it tags so it’s easy to find. I thought I’d have 3-4 tags, but it’s a LOT more!

I have quite a few things to collate into a list and contact Factory Five, one of my biggest items missing are the Koni shocks, which are marked as ‘checked’ on the FFR list, but nope! I heard they were on backorder and were trickling in… BTW, Box 18 had 7 pages of items so it was a huge mix of stuff!

All the engine bay panels (powdercoated black) were in a box, I guess some of the build school ‘cheat’ is to have some of those panels already attached – but it’s just a huge jigsaw puzzle right now. Tons of panels in a 5″ high box!
Some of the items missing: windscreen, shocks, rectangle tail-lights, IRS wheel studs, carbon fiber dash and glovebox cover, side louver set and lots more!
Before I finish this post, when you inventory – unless you use this stuff all the time, you’ll most likely find stuff you have never seen before. example for the IRS upper control arms – the build manual will HELP!

And lastly, I was happy to see the seats…