I was fortunate enough to find a local guy who was donating his body buck! Don’t worry, I’ll pay it forward as well for the next guy when I’m done! It’s awesome, it holds the body up high and leaves room to store the chassis (or in my case) BOXES of stuff that will be used for the build. One thing I needed was to change the casters to locking ones since my driveway has a slight slope – no sense watching my body roll down the street! LOL
These 4 casters will hold up to 1,200 pounds, which is way overkill for the body, but if I start stacking parts on the buck as well it will need the extra oomph to hold it. I also got a POR15 kit to do the IRS differential, will post results soon.
No complaints at $27, and they lock both the roll, and the swivel so it will stay put when moved and locked. A few more days to come and my son and I will re-assemble the buck. We had torn it down to transport it, and the garage floor was redone so we stored it in the backyard with some tarps until it was time. Some pics below of the new (red) vs the old (black) casters, hopefully they’re not too tall!