Cooling is imperative for any engine, and of course we couldn’t do it ‘by the book’ and opted for a Mustang-like expansion tank. It looks nicer IMHO, and works very much like an OEM Coyote engine works. There are several forum members who have used this setup, and it works great – so, let’s spend a little more money and make it functional!
The premier part is the Moroso 63806 Coolant Expansion Tank and yes, while pricey, it is very similar in design to the Mustang GT expansion tank.
Here are the other parts needed to make this tank work on your Coyote:
- CL3Z-8260-A or KM-5114 – Upper radiator hose. This comes from the 2012 F150 upper hose. It has the quick disconnect on the engine side. With some trimming, it plugs into the radiator inlet.
- FR3Z-8075-C – Hose from tank top/front to radiator, including one-way check valve. This allows the system to burp air and not backflow into the radiator.
- DG9Z-8100-A – Stock Mustang reservoir cap. There are shiny aftermarket billet versions available, but this one at < $4 is a bargain.
- FR3Z-8276-B – Hose from the overflow tank top/rear to the water neck near the throttle body.
- For the lower Radiator hose, I used a section of 1.5″ hose from the Coyote kit from FFR and modified with the Boig Coyote Cool Tube setup to clear my ABS HCU
- There is a second return hose at the bottom of the tank, just some regular 5/8″ heater hose works trimmed to fit.
Now that parts are out of the way, the mount is an interesting setup. The tank mounts to the crossbar just above the radiator. I used some aluminum 1/8 bar and trimmed to create some holes for rivnuts. This will allow for mounting/removal as needed. The guideline is to make sure the mount on the tank is in line (or lower) than the bottom of the crossbar.

Once the mount is installed, then the tank can be placed. To be honest it’s a little flimsy, so many suggest one more mount on the bottom that mounts (in my case) the Breeze Radiator Shroud. We did this in 2 parts, one mount to the tank, and one mount on the shroud, then a rivnut and screw to tie them together. Now it’s hard as a rock, seriously it won’t budge!

Now the fun parts! The upper radiator hose needs to be ‘clocked’ a bit as to not interfere with the power steering setup. Simple enough with the dremel. Then trim the end and plug into the upper radiator. The lower hose took some quick tweaks, and it’s now setup with the Boig Cool Tube setup to clear the ABS HCU. There’s NO more room in there yikes!