It’s been a minute since my last update. Life got busy, lots of work travel, etc.
Since my last update, lots of little things have been done. First was to seal up the rear cockpit wall and get ready for carpet. Everything has been pre-drilled for a while now. It was a matter of 70+ rivets and getting the panels sealed up with some GE Silicone II, rivets, and aluminum tape to keep things a bit more watertight. I also used the provided carpet panels as a template for the Thermo-Tec cutouts. This makes installation MUCH easier as this stuff gets pretty sticky!

Next, I wanted to finalize my gas tank vent. If I didn’t do this, the tank would ‘vent to air’ can allow fuel vapors to be emitted into the garage. Not really a smell I’m after. I used a setup to create my own charcoal canister which will remove the fuel vapor smells and off-gassing from the tank.
Here’s the parts list:
(1) Orbit 54346 4″ 300 Series Spring-Loaded Pop-Up Sprinkler $3.99
(1) 3/8″ Hose Barb x 1/2″ NPT Male $3.60
(2) 3/8”–5/8” 304 Stainless Steel Worm Gear Hose Clamps 80 cents for 2
(1) Kitchen Bathtub Sink Strainer < $1
(1 bag) Activated Charcoal Carbon Pellets ~$9
(1) #3 ACC Conduit Hanger $5
(30″) Fuel Line 3/8″ ID ~$3/ft
This whole setup is about $30. Granted you could probably get a charcoal cannister from the junkyard for the same (or cheaper):
- disassemble the sprinkler head, you just want the hollow shell, and open on both ends for now
- I re-used the bottom of my sprinkler valve since it had a metal breather at the bottom – keeps the pellets from coming out the bottom
- take your new strainer and trim it just a bit larger than the screw top
- fill up the sprinkler head with the activated carbon granules, almost to the top depending on how your sink filter is shaped, mine is concave
- put the strainer on top of the charcoal, and screw down the cap
- add the 1/2″ MIP (hose) end to the sprinkler head, I used a little Teflon tape

Now you prep the body for install. Since I have the Boyd Welding Gas Tank , my breather valve is on the passenger side. I opted to route my breather hose up and into the rear tire well. Since my mount point was in the rear panel, but also occluded by the interior trunk panel, I used an M6 rivnut to mount the #3 ACC bracket. Now hopefully it’s up and out of the way of everything else in the build!

Next up is prepping the transmission mount. The unit is pretty sturdy from Factory Five, some assembly required (of course).

Also riveted the driver and passenger side footboxes, and applied Thermo-Tec to the inside of the panels to further reduce heat transfer. I also, covered the under panel of the center console cover, soon to be trimmed when the transmission is installed.

I also setup a few more things: clutch safety switch, engine ground, and finalized the coyote setup

That’s it for now, dialing in the wiring harness(es) next, and trying to get the engine installed soon!