A bit more work on the trunk area this week. I’ve modified the Breeze Automotive cubby to work with my particular setup. Some modifications were made to adapt for the trunk struts that hold the trunk open and I pre-fit the subwoofer on the vertical wall as well and adapted some rivnuts into the wall.

I also added 2 small braces to help the breeze wall from being too wobbly considering the weight added from the subwoofer. The subwoofer is not super heavy, but the bracing definitely helps to minimize movement for this midwall.
Finally I was able to use a 4 3/4″ hole saw to make space for the 6.5″ rear speakers and the Breeze cubby opening. The Breeze design is supposed to be 5″, but 1/4″ shouldn’t make a huge difference here.

Just a few more holes need drilled to mount the speakers and some wire runs to get power/data flowing. I’ll most likely install the carpet in the cubby before mounting the rear cockpit call as it’s rather tight inside there!