There’s a ton of chassis and frame/panel work that has been done. Technically I could put the car on all 4 wheels but I’m keeping it on stands for now just to keep the workspace up a bit higher. The next phase is WIRING! Trust me, I’m a novice at electrical – but I plan on learning a TON during this phase!
I have the Breeze battery box that moves the battery into the lower front of the engine-bay. This makes the battery more ‘serviceable’ and gives more space back in the trunk. The kit from Breeze is awesome! It even includes a 90-degree grease fitting to make it possible to service the Lower Control Arm (LCA) grease location!
Since we installed ABS, the box that we built for the HCU conflicted with the support rods, so a little trimming was needed. The battery is now mounted SOLIDLY in the engine bay! We started on the ground line, and used a butane torch to heat the connector and melt the solder – the end is meant for the starter, so we didn’t hook up the battery side yet because the line length will be cut to fit.

So it’s onto the chassis wiring!
We had to measure where to drill the holes for the chassis wiring. Since the triple reservoir is mounted on the driver side, we had to move the ports over 1/2″ each. This left enough room on both sides of the wiring for the reservoir and the eventual heater-A/C setup on the passenger side.
Running the lines to the front and rear of the chassis are pretty simple. The rear goes in the top of the drivers side tunnel. The front harness goes through the footbox top and up to the front supports.

I’ll most likely do some wire dieting in the rear harness – my fuel sender and fuel pump are different than the FFR kit so they can be shortened a great deal. I’ll also work on getting my trunk finalized, hoping to do some type of drop trunk to get some more space back there!