My last update was about getting the UCAs installed and spaced out properly, trimming the sleeves on the rear mounts for the upper control arms gives ample room to adjust caster > 6.5 degrees for power steering setups… When I went to do the passenger side, I trimmed the sleeve and when I re-mounted it – somehow the part got stripped, and stripped a bit of the bolt as well… UGH!
well that WONT work!?
I asked the forums what part # it was, hoping I didn’t have to buy a whole new UCA at $229. Fortunately you can get a replacement UCA sleeve for ~$25 online (see below)
I received the new part, and re-trimmed it with a hacksaw this time – much cleaner cut and re-threaded it. But I was only part-way done. I was ready to put it all back in place, BUT…

The forum experts told me that I had mounted the spindles on the wrong sides of the car, so I had to flip both sides to mount the brakes and steering setup properly. So I had to remove both spindles from the ball-joints, swap them, and then re-align the whole setup. From the online experts, 9 inches on the FRONT sleeve, and 7.35 inches on the REAR sleeve. This should give me about 8 degrees of caster to help tracking on the highway.
remove the spindles whack each end of the spindle next to the threads all better now!
Fortunately, all is good now – learned a few lessons and acquired more tools!