From one of my previous posts – I had added the FFR heater back into the order – but, I changed my mind (again!) Why? Well, Whitby Motorcars is redesigning their heater/air-conditioning/defroster unit – and while I want the heat, I’ll probably NEED the A/C here in Norcal!
It will add more cost with the system and compressor. I talked to Whitby and the only change needed for the coyote setup is to get a Coyote compatible compressor which can be found gently used on Ebay for $125

While it’s a bit more in the budget, I’m sure my wife and I will be glad the A/C is installed on those hot 100F days!
Also, for Cyber Monday 2019, I contacted Boyd Welding and ordered my MKIV Gas Tank with the Aeromotive Stealth 340 Fuel Pump for 10% off, and they were nice enough to take 20% off shipping as well!
Since I’ll need a different Fuel Sender, I contacted Classic Instruments about the SN35T and they didn’t have any deals going on for fuel senders. By the way, the Classic Instruments SN35T11, 11” tube style sender is a perfect match to this tank. The tanks overall depth is 11.5”.
CI suggested I check Summit Racing since they had a $10 off $150 deal going on, and the Fuel Sender was on sale (compared to CI). So I was under the $150 mark. Needless to say, I found a reason to spend more (I’m sure this will happen more often that I really want!) I realized that with the Aeromotive 11452 340 fuel pump, I’ll need a different Fuel Filter – so I opted for the Aeromotive 12347 10 micron -6an filter and 2″ clamp.
The -6an size should be perfect for the 3/8ths inch fuel line that folks are recommending for the Coyote 5.0. I think I have a good start for the backend fuel system for now… Happy Thanksgiving all!