Life has been busy (seems like I’m on repeat a lot) – but making some small changes and updates to the build as time permits. Still working away on wiring, which seems like it will never end. Before we drop in the engine, I really want to get the wiring as buttoned up as possible. Having ‘space’ is a luxury right now, and I’d much rather run wires in spaces that don’t require being a contortionist (lol).
Part of my process was to order the Breeze Automotive quick-disconnect wiring kit. I already wired the rear lights with this setup. The trickiest part of the setup is ensuring you have continuity in your wiring choices. There are 3 colors of wires in the kit, and they don’t align with the Ron Francis harness. It’s all about labelling, testing, re-testing and then sealing it all up.
This kit gives the capability to setup the lights, test everything out while making them removable to allow for body paint. Then when the body is ready, simply plug in the connections and ready to mount! Of course, I used my favorite labeller to keep things aligned. So let’s get to some pics!

Going from bare wires to a nice heat-shrink’ed solder joint and wrapping with taped up wire loom is so satisfying. Yes, the average person will NEVER see this, but I do, and I’ll know it’s nice.
But wait, there’s more! Of course, I’m building a classic Cobra 427 S/C kit, but I’m also modernizing the setup. I can’t put incandescent bulbs in there! So I opted for some amber colored LEDs for the turn signals. Why amber colored? Well, the lenses are amber, and if you put a regular white light in there – sometimes you get some refraction and less light output. I ordered these 1157 LED Bulb – Dual Function 27 SMD LED Tower – 2 Pack Now, let’s see why I picked these!
The pic on the left shows the difference between the LED and the incandescent 1157 bulb, the pic in the middle shows the lights on without lenses, and the right pic shows with the lenses mounted. As you can see the LED is MUCH brighter and much less heat is generated. In the bottom pic, both lights have LEDs installed, the left bulb is high-power (e.g. turn signal on), and the right bulb is as the car will look with the running lights on. Super stoked!

Hopefully this is helpful for your build.
Also, I have updated the headlights as well – but those will come later… and yes, they’re LED!