The past few months has been tough getting into the build, I keep reminding myself “It’s not going to build itself!” – so off I went today to get the fuel lines setup. If you remember, I am running PTFE 3/8″ flexible line from the tank to the engine, and a 3/8″ return line as well to meet the Coyote 5.0 needs for fuel injection.
I had already attached one -6AN fitting to the PTFE tubing, but I needed to measure how long of a run I would need to chase down the passenger side of the car. I grabbed some rope that I got from Home Depot, cost a whopping $4! Burning the ends so they wouldn’t fray really helps, and run the rope along the path, attaching with duct tape along the run.

Now that I had my length, I was able to cut the fuel line and assemble the -6AN fitting.

Now I was ready to drill and mount my Earl’s tubing connectors. I chose to drill into the chassis and mount the connectors with screws that were longer than the originals. I chose 7/8″ depth so they could extend beyond the connector and into the drilled/tapped holes I would setup. I think they look pretty smart! I’ll use some blue Loctite to hold them in place for the final mount.

Now I had to test the fuel line for leaks. I got the Fragola -6AN pressure test setup that allows you to cap both ends of the line and add air pressure (via compressor) then submerge them in water to see if your connectors have leaks…

Well, I have to get a few more ‘olives’ for the Fragola connectors, they’re a 1-use part. So I will have to wait for them, and continue forward. Thanks for reading!