I knew power brakes was deviating from ‘the norm’ of building a Cobra, but I’ve driven power brake cars since college (late 80s). I wanted that easy feel, and opted for the Whitby Power Brake kit which is a great setup – but it comes with challenges!
In order to get the brake booster to fit properly, I needed to trim the Wilwood brake box yet again. The studs from the booster interfere with the pedal box and there’s no way to get a nut onto the booster studs so some trimming had to be done!
Here’s comes Mr. Hole Saw again, this time a smaller 1 1/4″ cut so it went much faster than the previous 2 3/4″ cut!

The paint dried, and got the pedal box re-fitted – and found yet another interference point. From reading the forums, and from the Whitby directions, you have to mount the steering bushing ‘internal’ to the footbox for clearance. The problem with this is that the wilwood frame overlaps.

Now that the interference is gone, I was able to get things lined up and mounted onto the car!