End of year deals continue… I’ve been chatting with Mike Forte of https://fortesparts.com which has been in business for 38 YEARS! WOW! Congrats Mike! Seriously give him a call – his prices are great, AND he’s just plain a great guy!

Anyhoo… he has a few of the IRS centers left, and it’s about $300 savings from Factory Five (sorry guys, saving $300 gets me other stuff!) 3.55 gears, traction-lok and cheaper? what else could I ask for!?

The newer 8.8 center sure looks sexy… this is my first time messing with an IRS setup, my son’s older mustang had an 8.8″ live axle with posi, and it was a heavy beast…
Here’s what’s included
2015+ Mustang rear components for use in Factory Five Type MK4 Roadster in a special package! It includes both the 8.8″ IRS differential and the knuckle kit with toe bearing. Both items have a combined value of $1639 and Mike has it for just $1240!
I wasn’t sure if everyone knows, but the new IRS from Ford will require a different drive yoke, and it increases the price a bit ~$148.00
I’m super excited, but also worried as we’re having the garage epoxy coated just after Christmas, so I need to make sure the garage is SPOTLESS! Fingers crossed, I can store the IRS while the work bay is coated…
Update: the parts were delivered, but EEK! FedEx did a poor-job at protecting the package!