When you think of building these cars, you know ‘assembly is required’ but wow, I didn’t expect so much drilling! Insulating the panels is an easy task while building, so get to it early! Expectations are 1200-1500 rivets, and I did another 350 holes for them. Having a good cordless drill is really helpful, and be sure to have good cleanup skills, because there will be a TON of metal shavings! Definitely use metal work gloves and a deburring tool to make the panels safer to work with. Lots of 1/8″ drill bits will be needed as I’ve broken several already. Cleco’s are a must for positioning the panels properly as well!

You can see in the pics that I’m adding more insulation as well – this reduces heat and makes for a more solid build. The Thermo-Tec is simple to install and I can use TONS of scrap pieces for all areas! Remember that all the insulation will be hidden under carpet or panels so be sure to be thorough!
Still lots more to go, but every couple of hours of work gets me closer to the end goal!