A really nice feature of the 25th anniversary car is that it comes with the Double Adjustable Koni shocks. Koni coil-over shocks have extruded aluminum bodies and components, making each shock much lighter than its steel shocks. They’re also externally adjustable, allowing you to tune them without pulling them off of the car. On the double adjustable shocks, both rebound and compression are independently adjustable. Most folks set these to the softest settings as recommended by FFR.
The shocks were on my POL and took a while to get here, even longer because of the COVID-19 pandemic which slowed everyone’s shipping and many offices were closed. Needless to say, when they arrived, it felt like Christmas!

You have to use snap ring pliers to unclip the top-hat of the shock, slide the hat down and slide it past the shock tube. Spin the collars down to the bottom of the shock and add the springs (500lb up front, 400lb in back) then replace the cap, and put the snap ring back on, making sure the opening doesn’t overlap with the slot in the cap.
Next you spin the collars up to get the spring snugged up to the hat, then mount!

Still waiting for the IRS sleeves to mount the whole IRS setup…