There are a few items that aren’t part of the standard built manual. The sway bars are optional components, but on the 25th anniversary car they come as part of the package. From my reading on the forums, everyone stressed that you need to get the instructions from the FFR website – and don’t forget to include this as part of the IRS installation or I’ll be re-doing this part again.
Thankfully I remembered this while I’m waiting on a few more parts to get the IRS installed. First step was to paint the mounting plates as they’re plain steel and need protection. Then I had to trim the rod-ends.

Adding the poly bushings to the bar is super easy since the bushings are split to make easy installation – this is much easier than my prior swaybar work where you have to slide the whole bushing over the bar.

The last step was to mount the rod ends, and I had to coax the tabs quite a bit on the lower control arms. I used a long crescent wrench to open the tabs up, but still wasn’t enough. I ended up grinding down the spacers to make them fit.

This process would have taken about 15 minutes, but due to the tabs on the LCA either being too small, or the spacers too wide, the whole setup took about 1.25 hours – mostly due to OCD issues of getting the spacers just right.
Hopefully won’t be much longer to get the toe-arm adjusters and the front IRS mount sleeves.